About Us

President's Welcome

We are The Society of the Golden Keys of Great Britain

In the modern digital world where information is overflowing and is rather confusing, your friend who is a local expert in your travel destination can be trusted more than anyone. Les Clefs d’Or Concierge is your friend you can talk to prior to, during and post travel. We make the best recommendations tailored to you using our first-hand knowledge and can open every door in London and beyond using our unique connections that we have nurtured and developed over the years.

The friendly association of hotel concierge who are affiliated to the Union Internationale des Concierges d’Hotels – Les Clefs d’Or®. Our members can be easily recognised with our emblem of two golden crossed keys on our lapels.

There are safety protocols in place to keep you safe in our hotels. Les Clefs d’Or Concierge will be your guardian that can keep you safe anywhere outside the hotel. We will provide updated information about safety precautions, social distancing measures and any relevant information at attractions and venues to put you at ease.

When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life
  Samuel Johnson

Well, even if you are, we have Edinburgh, Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool, Oxford and many more beautiful cities where our members can be found. Be confident to travel and be excited about everything this amazing country can offer. When you arrive, our members will be waiting for you to turn your moments into memories. Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.

Kind regards

Binoy Nair
President, Les Clefs d'Or GB

3,000  Members

 80 Countries

See Destinations

530 Destinations

Les Clefs d’Or (translated as The Golden Keys) is a professional association of hotel concierges, with approximately 3000 members working in over 80 countries and 530 destinations, in literally every corner of the world. Easily identified by the golden crossed keys on their lapels, these members are an elite fraternity, globally connected, committed to professional development, and driven to setting new standards for guest service perfection.

With roots dating back to 1929, Les Clefs d’Or was officially founded in France in 1952, as a not-for-profit organisation based on two pillars: Service and Friendship. Before earning the right to wear the golden keys, whose who aspire to become a members must have several years of experience as a hotel concierge, pass comprehensive testing and prove beyond doubt, their ability to deliver highest quality of service.

Serving more than 100 million guests every year, Les Clefs d’Or members fulfil an infinite variety of requests from the everyday to the extraordinary. As lifelong professional hotel concierges, their experience, knowledge and professional relationships make them the most reliable local experts and Ambassadors of their chosen destinations.

With every member having access to the Les Clefs d’Or global network, often meeting face-to-face at one of their annual International Congresses, there is nowhere they cannot reach or guest request they cannot deliver. No one knows the world like Les Clefs d’Or. From Berlin to New York City, Paris to Tokyo, and everywhere in between, Les Clefs d’Or concierges strive to provide nothing short of inspired service.


The Society of the Golden Keys – recognisable to hotel guests all over the world by the lapel pins of top Concierges – was formed in Great Britain in 1952. Head Halls Porters from London’s leading hotels met to discuss the increasing expectations of the growing numbers of visitors to London, and to look at how they could work together. The founding principles of the Society of The Golden Keys remain to this day and are encapsulated as ‘Service Through Friendship’ through the society. Concierges work together to improve quality of service to guests. This is done with integrity, professionalism, co-operation and by sharing information.

The formation of the Society of Golden Keys’ coincided with a larger meeting in Cannes when Societies from nine different countries attended the first international congress of ‘Les Clefs D’Or’. Ferdinand Gillet, Head Concierge of L’Hôtel Scribe in Paris, masterminded the creation of the organisation, which now covers more than thirty five countries and boasts over three thousand members. Each national chapters self-governing with its own President and Committees.

Soon after the formation of the Society of The Golden Keys of Great Britain, the committee was approached by members abreast of their products and services. A second tier of membership was created in response to this, Associate Members.


The Society of the Golden Keys in Great Britain is thriving. With strict conditions of membership requiring proof of professional relationships with guests and work colleagues, approximately two hundred and eighty concierges in Great Britain now proudly wear the symbol of their status: the Golden Keys lapel pin. Each is revered for his or her professional gravitas, integrity, local knowledge and impeccable recommendations.

The Society encourages friendship and camaraderie and the members meet formally each month. The Gala Dinner and Dance and the Anniversary Cocktail Party are the social highlights of the year for many of the leading figures in the hospitality industry, as well there are many other events which the society of the Golden Keys help to promote.

1st Floor Cromwell House

14 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HZ



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